It’s that time of year again… Band Banquet 2012 + Finals Week

Today I finished up my marketing class with a presentation on a product my group and I developed. It’s huge relief not having to deal with it anymore! Now I have ample time to study for exams, write some posts, and finish/start all my Christmas gifts. It’s turning out to be quite a challenge. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to get them all done by the time people start leaving for winter break.

I just wanted to write up a quick post to show you guys what I wore to Band Banquet. As expected, it was a great time filled with good food, sometimes subpar music, silly dancing, and being with my favorite people on campus. I can’t imagine college without the UDMB and they’ve truly become a part of my extended family.


That’s me in the red! I bought the dress off Etsy for $30-something. It was such a great deal! I got a lot of compliments on the dress Sunday night. Gosh, I just love vintage dress shopping. When can I do it again? :P

But really, I need to find another occasion to wear this dress to because it is so lovely.


2 thoughts on “It’s that time of year again… Band Banquet 2012 + Finals Week

  1. Hi!! Just wanted to drop by and say thanks so much for all your thrifty tips on my blog today. I’m going to have to learn to be patient when going through thrift stores. And thorough… I’ll be carefully inspecting all items for damage now. Thanks for that tip. I hope you can repair the bow sweater you thrifted. I’d love to see it it because it sounds so cute.

    Sounds like you are really busy with school right now. Why is it that exams always come up right before the holidays?? I’m busy trying to get all my Christmas gift crafting in too. So many gifts and so little time. I better get busy!!

    Love your red dress btw. :)

    • Thanks so much! Finals is a bit stressful but I’m really lucky to get away with only 2/5 classes I’m taking compared to other students. I just got back from quite an unproductive study session (I have to learn not to study with friends because we get way too distracted) and I’m about to do a little knitting before the night ends. Best wishes to you and happy holidays!

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